Historical markers : John Colter
Marker Number: 2121
County: Mason
Location: Limestone Landing, McDonald Parkway & Limestone St.
Description: One of the “Nine Young Men From Ky.” who accompanied Lewis and Clark on 1803-6 expedition. Born in Va., Colter came as a youth to Maysville. Here he met Lewis, enlisted in the Corps of Discovery in Oct. 1803, and was known as one of the best hunters on expedition.
(Reverse) John Colter (ca. 1775-1813) – Fascinated by the West, Colter left the Corps prior to its return to St. Louis to join a fur-trapping party. He made many trips to the West and was first white man to report seeing thermal wonders of present Yellowstone National Park. Sponsored by the Ohio River Chapter-Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage Foundation, National Park Service, Ky. Lewis and Clark Bicentennial Commission, Maysville Tourism Commission.